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Showing posts from November, 2018

Shit I'm almost 30!!!

No that is not true, I'm not almost thirty I'm actually a bit far from there ( three years to go) but lately that is the only thing I can think of. Three years from now I will be THIRTY YEARS OLD and I still don't know what do I want to do with my life .  How many of you fell the same way??? I look around and everyone is getting married, having kids, having amazing jobs, buying huge houses or traveling the word ( sometimes all of it in simultaneous), and what do I have?  - Credit card bills; - Huge rent to pay; - A cat that I have to feed every day; Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy with the my life, I actually enjoy it (when I'm alone). However everything changes as soon as I meet my friends and family and I start hearing that one of them is engaged, the other will have a baby and another one will buy this amazing house that I could never afford even earning more than her and her boyfriend together. Then I can not stop wondering wh