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Shit I'm almost 30!!!

No that is not true, I'm not almost thirty I'm actually a bit far from there ( three years to go) but lately that is the only thing I can think of. Three years from now I will be THIRTY YEARS OLD and I still don't know what do I want to do with my life

How many of you fell the same way???

I look around and everyone is getting married, having kids, having amazing jobs, buying huge houses or traveling the word ( sometimes all of it in simultaneous), and what do I have? 

- Credit card bills;
- Huge rent to pay;
- A cat that I have to feed every day;

Don't get me wrong, I'm not unhappy with the my life, I actually enjoy it (when I'm alone).

However everything changes as soon as I meet my friends and family and I start hearing that one of them is engaged, the other will have a baby and another one will buy this amazing house that I could never afford even earning more than her and her boyfriend together.
Then I can not stop wondering what is wrong with me? 
Why is my best friend getting married with a guy that she only met two years ago and I'm with my boyfriend for five years and the 'marriage thing' was never even discussed? 
Why is one of my friends having a baby and I'm not even sure if I want one (ever). 
And why is everyone buying houses so easily while I can not even save money to buy a new phone?
The worst thing is when after all their announcements they ask '- So what about you?' and the answer is always '- You know, nothing new!'.
I can see the disappointment in their eyes and even if I'm happy and secure with my boring life they always manage to make me feel bad about my it, almost like I'm the only one stuck in time, with no goals or ambitions for the future.

How can they be so full of certainties while I'm always full of doubts?

After some discussions I realise that they are not certain at all but they go for it anyway because everyone expects them to behave like that. You're thirty so your biological clock is ticking, you need to find a job that you like, a husband that loves you and, of course, have kids because if everyone is doing it, why shouldn't you (and don't forget that if you wait to long it may be to late)?

I truly believe that 50% of the people don't get marry or have kids because they truly want it but rather because there is this social pressure around them always reminding them that the clock is ticking.  

But that's just me.
